Sunday, 18 August 2024

The Melodies We No Longer Sing

There are songs that seem to hold a place in our hearts almost like bookmarks in the chapters of our lives. For a while they bring nothing but delight, a melody that fills the mind with joy, a rhythm that matches the heartbeat of happiness. But sometimes these same songs shift in meaning, becoming echoes of what once was.

At one point a particular song might have been the soundtrack to moments shared with someone special, their presence as integral to the melody as the lyrics themselves. Each note, each word, brought a smile weaving together memories that felt like they would last forever. Beyond just happiness these songs might have also carried the weight of unspoken apologies or the chance to forgive. They were not just melodies, they were opportunities, moments where the lyrics seemed to offer a way to bridge gaps, to reach out and mend what was broken.

But as time moves forward and life changes so do the meanings of these songs. That same melody once a source of joy and a path to reconciliation can transform into a haunting reminder of a time now gone. The song has not changed, every note and lyric remains the same but the feelings it evokes have shifted entirely.

What was once a sweet recollection now carries a different weight. The delight it once brought has faded, replaced by a bittersweet nostalgia. It is as if the song now speaks in the past tense, a reminder of a chapter closed, a story unfinished, a person no longer by your side. And with it the missed opportunities to apologize or forgive are locked in the melody forever a part of the song’s meaning. 

This is not to say that these songs lose their beauty. On the contrary, they become even more affecting, holding within them a depth that only experience can bring. The joy might not be there anymore but the sweet memories remain connected to you.

Listening to these songs can be like flipping through an old photo album, each track a shot of a moment in time, preserved in music. The emotions tied to them are complex, layered with the passage of time and the changes that life brings. They remind us that while people may come and go, the impact they have on us lingers like a melody that never quite fades.

These songs become more than just music. They are the echoes of our past, the shadows of memories that linger long after the moment has passed. They are reminders that the heart much like a song holds onto what it once cherished, even when the delight it once brought has softened into something more introspective.

One such song in my life is "Aval" by Pradeep. 

What is yours?

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