Monday, 14 October 2024

Losing Touch with Emotion


There was a time when emotions felt vivid and alive, when the smallest things, someone’s tear, a tender moment in a film would stir the heart. Joy and sorrow flowed freely, shaping every experience. But now, that depth feels distant.

In the screen while the film played, theatre was filled with quiet sobs and tears in eyes. The weight of the film was visible, yet there was no connection. No sadness, no stir. It was not a moment of pretense or a decision to hold back, there simply was not anything there. Upon discussion with friends afterwards, A question was asked, "Didn’t it make you sad?" The honest response was "no". The answer came without hesitation, revealing the truth that had become clear. The emotional connection that once felt so natural was slipping away.

This is not limited to the screen. In everyday conversations, when people share their struggles or pain, Would listen and nod as they poured their hearts out. But inside, there was nothing, no pull, no ache of empathy. Could offer the right words, say the things that might comfort them, but those words felt hollow. The heart, once so empathetic, now feels numb. The emotions that once surged forward are no longer present, leaving behind only a sense of detachment.

There is a quiet observation of the world now, watching as others cry, laugh and feel deeply. What used to be inherent, connecting to the emotions of others, feels foreign now. It is like standing on the outside, watching life happen without really being a part of it. The memories of what it was like to cry freely, to feel other's pain as if it were personal, remain, but they feel distant. 

This is not an indifference to life, nor a desire for numbness. There is a longing to feel again, to be moved by the stories others tell, to tear up over a scene in a film. But despite the effort, nothing changes. The emotions that used to flood so easily now seem to have drained away.

Why is it so? The reasons remain unspecific, like questions left unanswered. Is it the passage of time, a gradual fading of innocence?, Perhaps it is the weight of past experiences, the accumulation of grief. Or maybe it is simply a part of growing older, where the rawness of emotions is tempered by life’s complexities. Each reason feels believable, yet none can fully explain the detachment.

There is a flicker of hope that someday, feelings might resurface and the weight of numbness could finally ease. But, for now, there is an unmistakable sense of absence, an emptiness where emotions once thrived, now overshadowed by a deep silence.


  1. Don't let go of that hope. Hold on, may you be able to feel deeply again soon🫂 Especially joy

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words😄


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