Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Why I Believe Smartwatches Are a Bad Investment


A watch should be simple and serve the purpose of telling time. It does not need to be a mini phone or a constant notifier strapped to my wrist. Smartwatches have turned this accessory into another gadget that requires daily maintenance. They come with a hefty price tag and need constant charging, doing tasks that do not save much time or effort. To me, they simply do not live up to the hype.

Let’s start with the basics. A regular watch can run for years with maybe just the occasional battery change if it is quartz. But a smartwatch? You are plugging it in every night or every few days just like a phone. For one-fourth of the price of a smartwatch, one could get a quality mechanical watch that will outlive any tech running smoothly for years without a single charge.

Smartwatches are advertised as convenient replacements for pulling out your phone from your pockets. But what time are you really saving by glancing at your wrist instead of taking your phone from your pocket? Notifications pop up, but you still need your phone to fully respond and reply. While you can answer calls on a smartwatch, why in the world would you want to do that? That is exactly why phones exist. The smartwatch is not a phone substitute, it simply adds another screen to track rather than simplifying things.

The fitness angle is another big push. Not everyone needs or uses all those fitness features. If someone is not dedicated to working out daily or tracking every step, wearing a smartwatch for fitness feels unnecessary. We can lead active lives without reminders to “walk, sleep, drink” or obsessing over calorie counts. Fitness does not require a digital coach on my wrist and the constant data can feel like overkill rather than motivation. Those into fitness can simply get a less distracting fitness band that offers more accuracy without added complications.

Another aspect to consider is the repair costs associated with smartwatches. If something goes wrong repairs can be expensive and time consuming. Unlike traditional watches which can often be fixed for a fraction of the cost and repairing a smartwatch typically involves high charges due to the technology involved.

In a world where we are already glued to enough gadgets, a smartwatch feels like one more unnecessary screen to check. Phones, laptops, and tablets take up so much of our time. A smartwatch extends that digital addiction onto our wrists. Adding one to the collection does not enhance life it just makes it harder to step away from screens and be fully present.

Ultimately, Smartwatches do not feel worth the money. They are expensive and require regular attention while trying to fix problems that do not exist. A traditional watch keeps time simply and reliably with no charging or notifications needed. For me, the classic watch does the job just fine without distractions, making a smartwatch an unnecessary luxury rather than a useful upgrade.

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