Sunday, 3 November 2024

When Biryani Becomes Ordinary


There is something about biryani that feels like home even if you do not eat it every day. It is a meal wrapped in love, with every grain of rice soaked in spices and each piece of meat tender from hours of care. Biryani is not just food it is an emotion that sweeps you up the moment you catch the first bite. 

Growing up, biryani was something special, something I had to wait for. My mom never made it at home and so every bite I had came as a surprise, often when my dad would bring it on random unexpected evenings. I would hear him come in and my heart would leap with hope just wondering if he had brought it. When he did it felt like magic. It was like a small festival, every bite had something to hold on to.

But life changes. Now I am at a place where biryani is accessible anytime. It is right there available at the tap of a screen. And strangely the more I eat it the less I feel. Biryani has somehow lost its emotion. The spices are the same, the flavors still deep but the excitement is not there. My taste buds that was once alive with joy at that first bite, have grown numb. The biryani that used to make me feel alive, that would make my heart race, now feels just like any other meal. It has lost something I can not quite explain.

Maybe this is the bittersweet reality of familiarity. When a dish that once felt rare and special becomes routine, its magic begins to disappear. Biryani still offers comfort but it no longer brings that surge of happiness. 

Do you have a food like this, something that once felt like magic but has now become just another part of life?

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