Monday, 2 December 2024

The Simple Questions That Hurt


There are questions we ask without a second thought, words spoken casually, meant to fill the gaps in a conversation. They drift into the air, leaving no mark for the one who speaks them. But for the one who hears them, they can weigh heavy, settling in places they hoped to keep untouched.  

“You don’t know how to drive?” It sounds innocent enough, just a simple question asked without much thought. For some, learning to drive is a natural part of growing up, something they pick up easily in the comfort of their family’s car. A car that has always been there, as natural a part of life as the sun rising each day. But not everyone grows up in that reality. For many, a car is not just an object, it is a symbol of something far bigger- a dream shaped by years of sacrifices, savings and waiting.  

When someone asks that question, it is not the words themselves that sting but the hidden reminder they carry. The reminder of circumstances, of limits, of dreams that are still out of reach. It is not just about driving, it is about the unspoken gap between what some people assume is normal and what others know is a luxury. That gap is often invisible, filled with silent struggles and unvoiced stories, but a single careless question can bring it all to the surface.  

For some, the pain is layered even further. They do not want to borrow someone else’s car to learn to drive because it feels like relying on something they don’t possess, adding to the sense of lacking what they wish was theirs. It is not just the discomfort of asking but the fear of what might follow. Experiences of borrowing cars do not always end well. A scratch, a scolding, or even the subtle, unspoken judgment from the owner can leave a mark. So they choose to stay quiet, holding on to their integrity even when it means holding back their dreams.  

The hurt does not come from malice. Most people mean no harm, their words are light and momentary to them. But to the person they are directed at, they can cut deep, forcing them to face a reality they carry with quiet resilience. It is not just about this question, it could be about a bike, a cycle or any other part of life that others take for granted. What seems like a simple question to some can be a reminder of what others struggle to reach.

Words no matter how small have weight, Sometimes they land softly. But other times they hit with a force the speaker will never realize. So the next time a question forms on your lips, stop. Think about the silent wars people fight, the scars they hide, the dreams they struggle to hold on to. What seems like nothing to you could be everything to someone else.

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