Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Truth or Lie


Truth/ Honesty has its virtues. It builds trust, encourages deep connections, and shows a commitment to personal integrity. It is liberating to live without secrets, knowing that what you say aligns with what you truly believe. However, honesty can also be painful. It can hurt feelings, disrupt relationships, and lead to uncomfortable situations. The truth might isolate you from others, leaving you standing alone, even if you are clear about who you are.

Lying, on the other hand feels like the easier path. It can protect someone from unnecessary pain, preserve harmony, or even save fragile relationships. A well placed lie can help maintain peace or offer comfort in difficult moments. Yet, lies come with a cost. They can spiral out of control, requiring more lies to cover up the original one. Even a small lie leaves a feeling of guilt, knowing you have compromised your values. In the end, lies build walls, distancing you from the truth and those you care about.

There is no simple answer when it comes to choosing between Truth and lying. Both paths come with their own set of consequences. Honesty can bring clarity and authenticity, but it may cost you people and comfort. Lying can offer temporary relief, but it creates a long term burden, leaving you to wrestle with your conscience. What is clear is that neither choice is entirely right or wrong. It is a balance of what feels true in the moment and what you are willing to face later.

For people like me, who choose honesty almost reflexively, the road is not smooth. There are losses, people who leave, because the truth was too much. There is doubt, wondering if sparing someone might have been kinder. But in these moments, there is peace. There is the comfort of knowing you have been honest with your innerself, even if it cost you more than you expected.  

When faced with the choice of choosing the best. Truth might tear things apart, but it can also build something stronger in the long run. Lies may smooth things over in the short term, but the emotional weight they carry is undeniable.

So, when you stand at the crossroads of truth and deception, what do you choose? Do you embrace the truth knowing the cost, or take the easier route with a lie, hoping it will not catch up to you?


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