Friday, 17 January 2025

When the Conversations Pause: A Different Lens


Disclaimer: If you haven't checked the previous blog, do check it out and then come back to read this to understand the full picture.

In the previous blog silence was seen as clarity or a way to understand who truly values the bond. It said that stepping back reveals which relationships thrive in absence and which crumble without effort. But is that perspective the only truth?, may be or may be not.

Silence does not always give clarity, sometimes it creates confusion. Stopping the habit of initiating conversations does not always reveal who values the bond but it can also mislead, leaving space for assumptions and doubts to grow.  

Not every relationship fades because it lacked strength. Some people retreat not because they do not care, but because they think their presence is no longer welcome. A pause might unintentionally push away those who value the bond but need reassurance to stay.  

The way people communicate is complex. While introverts may cherish silence, they might also struggle with the fear of being misunderstood. Those who enjoy frequent interaction are not necessarily less genuine, they just have a different way of showing how much they care. A pause in this case might not bring clarity but instead widen the gap.  

What remains after silence is not always a lesson but sometimes it is an open ended question. The pause might feel like a test, but relationships are not exams to pass or fail. Perhaps instead of stepping back to see who stays, May be It is worth stepping forward to bridge the silence before it becomes too heavy to bear.


  1. So by the way, are you done with your testing?
    Or do you still need more silence to test whether people like you or not?

    1. Testing? If that's how it seemed then you are mistaken. This isn’t about people, Its about perspectives.


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