Monday, 6 January 2025

Why I am an Atheist


Life for me has always been about people. Every small thing I have, every grain of rice on my plate, every piece of cloth I wear is the result of someone’s hard work and care. I think of my parents who have given me everything, asking for nothing in return. It is these acts of selflessness and kindness that make me believe in humanity. People with all their imperfections are the reason my days begin and end with gratitude.  

I do not believe in god but this is not a rejection of faith. It is a belief in something different. I respect the holy books and the lessons they carry. They teach us to distinguish right from wrong, guide us on how to live, and tells about heaven and hell. But I have realized that I do not need the fear of hell to stop me from doing wrong, nor do I need the promise of heaven to inspire me to do good. If I can live with kindness and integrity without waiting for divine judgment, then I feel that is purpose enough.  

What matters to me is the life we create here, not the one we are told awaits us after. If you do good, goodness will follow you. There is no need to fear punishment or chase rewards. Life feels smoother when we focus on the small ways we can make it better like when we choose to help, to give, and to love.

Every day I am reminded of how much I owe to the people around me. From strangers who are kind enough to me or the loved ones who shape my world, they are the reason I believe in something bigger than myself. I do not believe in god, but I believe in them, their love, their sacrifices and their humanity. And when I think of that, I realize that I do not need anything more to give my life meaning.


  1. Saru.. that's such a Precious & Heartfelt write up ✨️ may you be blessed with such amazing Souls that inspire you every single day to be the person you are 💜 Stay blessed always!

    1. Thank You so much Chechi♥️Keep Inspiring


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