Friday, 14 February 2025

A Valentine's Day

Two friends, Arjun and Kayal sit at a beach on Valentine’s Day, watching couples around them exchange gifts and take pictures.  

Arjun: Look at them. All smiles, all perfect. Makes you wonder if they are really that happy or just putting on a show.

Kayal: It is Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that the point? You are supposed to make it look magical.

Arjun: Yeah, but magical for who? Them or everyone watching?

Kayal pauses, glancing at a couple posing for the perfect photo. The girl’s smile drops as soon as the camera clicks and her expression shifts to irritation as she scrolls through the pictures, desperate to find one good click to post.

Kayal: You know, last year I did the same thing. I spent hours trying to make everything look perfect. But we fought the whole time. The photos were beautiful, but the day wasn’t.

Arjun: Exactly. Valentine’s Day shows you the trending reel, but never the full story. It is like love is only valid if it looks a certain way.

Kayal: Funny how one day can make people feel on top of the world or completely alone. All because of an idea of what love should look like.

Arjun: Maybe that is the problem. It is not about love but about living up to an image. And the more we chase that image, the less real it becomes.

Kayal looks around, a thoughtful expression on her face.  

Kayal: So, why do we keep doing it?

Arjun: Maybe because it is easier to play along than to admit that the fantasy is not real. But I wonder… would love feel different if we stopped trying to make it look perfect?

A quiet breeze passes. They sit in silence with the staged moments continuing around them, And for a moment the illusion feels heartbreakingly real.

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