Tuesday, 25 February 2025

The Lies We Live By

We are told that everything happens for a reason, that time heals all wounds and that people always get what they deserve. These words are not wisdom but they are escape routes. We repeat them because the truth is far more disturbing.

When life collapses without warning, some say it happened for a reason. People find it easier to believe that every tragedy happens for a reason rather than accepting that some tragedies have no meaning at all. A sudden death, a betrayal, or a disaster does not always teach a lesson or lead to something better. Some events do not lead to growth or redemption. They just leave scars that has no purpose.

Time heals all wounds is another lie people cling to. Time moves forward, but pain does not obey the ticking of a clock. Some wounds do not close, no matter how many years pass. People do not wake up one morning and find themselves healed. They only learn to carry the pain in ways no one else can see.

Then comes the illusion that people always get what they deserve. It is easier to believe in justice than to admit that the world does not play fair. Kind people are not always rewarded, and cruel people do not always pay. Some of the worst walk free while the best are left struggling, unheard and forgotten.

So why do we believe these lies? Because they help us sleep at night. Because they keep us sane. Because the truth, that life is unfair, that pain lingers and that some things will never make sense is harder to live with.

But maybe instead of clinging to false assurances, we should learn to accept the discomfort of uncertainty. Maybe the strength is not in believing that everything happens for a reason, but in making peace with the fact that sometimes, Things just happen.

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