Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Caste in the Spotlight

Twitter is currently buzzing with the hashtag #BrahminGenes, with everyone from celebrities to common users exhibiting their caste identity. This trend has taken off as people proudly post about their supposed "superior" genes, reducing their entire identity to a caste label. It's alarming to see such a divisive mindset being normalized, especially when shared by influential figures who should be promoting unity rather than outdated social constructs.

What is even more disturbing is how quickly this hashtag has gained traction, creating a wave of caste based pride across the platform. Instead of celebrating qualities that truly matter, people are reverting to archaic notions of superiority based on birth. This kind of thinking does nothing but deepen the divides that have long plagued our society, undermining the progress we have made toward equality.

In a country where we should be striving to dismantle these barriers, some still choose to flaunt caste as a mark of distinction. This mentality not only perpetuates discrimination but also sends a dangerous message that caste still holds power over who we are and what we can achieve. 

It’s not just the hashtag #BrahminGenes that’s problematic, any caste based pride is equally troubling. What, exactly, is there to be proud of when it comes to caste?  

It’s ironic that, some claim caste no longer exists in modern India. If that is the case, why are people still using it as a badge of honor? Why do these divisive hashtags find resonance if we truly believe in equality? Isn’t it time we asked ourselves why we are still clinging to these outdated hierarchies instead of moving forward as a more inclusive society?

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