Wednesday, 25 September 2024

My Horlicks Love Story


Some snacks stick with you for life, and for me, that has always been Horlicks. It has been a guilty pleasure since childhood, one that I still indulge in. While eating it recently, I found myself swept back to those early days. The core memory? My mom serving Horlicks on a small plate and me eagerly licking it up, savoring the fragrance and the sweet taste on my tongue. That first lick, even now, feels fresh on my taste buds.

As a kid, though it was not always served to me so neatly. I used to sneak into the kitchen and grab a spoonful of Horlicks when no one was around. Not just at home but even at my grandparent's house, I would quietly raid the kitchen. And even though they eventually caught on, they never complained. I remember getting caught once, with Horlicks all over my face and there was no hiding it. But there was no scolding either, just smiles and knowing looks.

Back in those days, Horlicks came in glass bottles or jars, a classic way to store that delicious powder. Over time, it evolved into plastic packaging and now we can even find it in convenient sachets. It is fascinating to see how the packaging has changed, but one thing remains constant: the taste. That same sweet and comforting flavor brings back memories of my childhood every time I indulge in it.

Now, I do understand that having too much Horlicks in its raw form probably is not the healthiest choice. There are all sorts of reasons why I should not eat it in it's raw form. But let’s be honest, It is just so tasty that it's hard to resist. Some guilty pleasures are worth the indulgence, even if you know better!

Other nutritional drinks like Boost, Bournvita and Complan were always around and sure, I ate them too. But nothing came close to the way Horlicks captured me. I think that love came from my grandparents, who would always give it to me with a smile. Grandparents have a way of spoiling you with love and I guess that is how my little Horlicks obsession began.

Sitting here now, thinking about it, the memories feel warm, like a hug from the past. There is something sweet and innocent about remembering those sneaky spoonfuls or my mom’s playful way of serving it on a plate. It is funny how such simple things stay with you.

Do you have a snack like this, one that takes you back to your childhood with just a taste?


  1. My nostalgic snack is Puli muttai (a simple sweet and sour jam) that comes in little Sachets.....memories flood back whenever I taste it. Thanks for this warm content

    1. Wow! That's so good to hear. I also have a love for Pulimuttai. An amazing childhood snack for sure.


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