Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Challenging the Myth of Masculine Pride


Every time I scroll through social media, I am bombarded with posts proclaiming what it means to be a man. "Have pride as a man!" "Being a man isn’t easy!" "If you respect yourself as a man, you know this!" These messages are hollow proclamations wrapped in a cloak of insecurity, and they are completely nonsense.

Everyone, irrespective of gender, has their own difficult situation. Why do we keep pounding the drum about masculinity? Are we supposed to feel proud simply because we were born male? What exactly are we meant to be proud of?, Is the expectation that we should act as gladiators, conquering the world as if we were barbarians in an ancient time? This notion is absurd.

Society has handed out scripts demanding adherence to noxious ideals of masculinity. The pressure to be looked up to, to be strong, and to dominate every situation is exhausting. Why should the world look up to men? There is no inherent superiority or magical ability to navigate life without difficulty. Perpetuating this mindset only silences our vulnerabilities.

Let us discuss those who consume this content. Watching these videos/quotes and feeling pumped up about a misguided notion of manhood does not make you strong. It wastes precious time that could be spent improving oneself or others. The bravery on display in these social media posts is not a testament to self respect, rather it often reflects an evasion of personal accountability.

There is no value in perpetuating a myth that elevates men above others. The world needs more empathy, not more bravery. Instead of shouting about manly pride, the focus should shift toward understanding, compassion and growth. Life is challenging for everyone regardless of gender and it is crucial to work towards lifting each other up instead of adhering to outdated stereotypes.

So, the next time you encounter a post glorifying masculinity or demanding pride in being a man, instead of Liking, sharing and commenting, think about, What does all this pride even accomplish? Are we really addressing our struggles, or just hiding behind these empty ideals.

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