Sunday, 15 December 2024

The Joy Inside Kinder


The other day I bought a Harry Potter edition Kinder Joy for ₹50. As I held it, I could not help but think of those days when it cost ₹25. Back then, Dairy Milk felt worth it as you got plenty of chocolate for the price. But Kinder Joy? It was something else entirely. Just two small chocolate balls and a toy for ₹25. It felt overpriced even then. For a kid who did not get ₹25 easily, holding one was like having a piece of treasure.  

Now years later, I can finally buy it without thinking twice, but the feeling is not the same. The price has doubled and some say it is even ₹60 now. I opened it with the same excitement, but it did not last. The chocolate still tasted great, and the toy was there, but the joy of discovering it did not hit like before. Maybe it is because I have outgrown the thrill of tiny surprises. Or maybe some things are just meant to be experienced as a child.  

I wonder if I would have appreciated it more if I had gotten it more often back then. Would it have felt special every time, or would I have taken it for granted? That thought stayed with me as I stared at the toy, feeling both a hint of happiness and a twinge of what ifs.

Still for a brief moment Kinder Joy gave me something more than just chocolate or a toy. It was that simple yet pure excitement, the kind that made everything feel a little brighter, a little lighter. Maybe that is the real joy it holds, not in the toy, but in the way it made me feel, even if just for a moment.


A World Without Lines

He never knew what colors looked like. They told him the sky was blue and the grass was green but those were just words to him. He imagined ...