Friday, 13 December 2024

Is Life Actually short?

Life has always been a strange journey, hasn’t it? One moment you are carefree laughing with your friends, and the next moment you are surrounded by advice from every direction. “Life is short", they say. “You are already 24, you need to act fast!" Or, “You only have this many hours left to live, so make them count", It is everywhere, on podcasts, social media, or in conversations with strangers.  

At first glance, it sounds like a good advice. Time is precious after all. But have you ever stopped to think about what they are really saying? Is life truly that short? Or is it just uncertain?  

Uncertainty is a part of life, no doubt. We can not predict what the next moment holds. But that does not mean we have to rush through everything as if we are running out of time. 

And then there is this illusion of time itself. Five minutes in a boring lecture feels endless, while five minutes playing your favorite game seems to vanish in a blink. Time stretches and shrinks depending on what we are doing and how we feel. It is not a rigid structure, it is fluid, personal, and completely subjective.  

You are still figuring things out in your life? That is okay. There is no rulebook that says you need to have everything sorted by a certain age. Yes, you should not take time for granted, but that does not mean that you need to rush through life, ticking off milestones like items on a checklist.  

Instead of stressing over motivational advices, consider this: You have plenty of time. Plenty to explore, to learn, to fail, and to kick start again. The next step is not a race, it is a choice. And you are the only one who gets to decide when and how to take it.  

Life is not short, it is just uncertain.


  1. True, sometimes it's not about sacrificing present for future, it's just about figure out on own phase

    1. Very true! Thank you for that insight


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