Thursday, 12 December 2024

When Life Has No Purpose

We spend so much time chasing a purpose, convinced that life must hold some grand meaning. But what if life itself has no purpose? What if it is not about finding answers or fulfilling some invisible plan?. Life simply exists, without reason or goal. The real purpose lies in "you". Your existence, no matter how small or unremarkable it may seem, has meaning. It has the power to change someone else’s world in ways you might never realize.

Imagine this. You are heading to college, work, or anywhere else. On the way, you see a puppy stranded in the middle of the road. You stop for a moment and move it to safety. In that moment, you saved a life. That was your purpose for the day. Or think about visiting a mall or an office. You pass a janitor or a security guard and give them a genuine smile. To you it is small, but to them, it might mean everything. These moments are simple, but they hold the power to shift someone’s day, maybe even their life.

If you ever question your worth, remember the people who are happy simply because you exist. Think about the joy your parents felt when you were born and how they still smile knowing you are alive. Someone out there feels a warmth in their heart just because you are here. Even without trying, your existence touches lives and changes them. Life may not have a set purpose, but your presence always does.

If you are feeling like there is no purpose in your life, maybe it is because you are looking for something that does not need to be found. There is no universal goal or purpose in life. It is not about finding a path everyone agrees on. Purpose is what you create in small moments. It is in the lives you touch without even knowing. It is in the way you make someone feel seen, valued, or loved. Your existence itself holds meaning, even if you do not see it yet.

So, Let go of the need to find purpose and begin embracing the present. Enjoy the beauty of an evening, the laughter of a friend, or the kindness of a stranger. These moments are the essence of life and it is something that comes naturally when you simply show up and engage with the world around you. Let go of the need to control everything and embrace the wonder of just being here. Your life does not need a purpose. Your existence is enough, and it is everything. 

Live, breathe and let your presence be the magic that makes the world a better place.

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